No Rules. No Playbook. Just Fearless Coaching.
What You Need to Win at the Highest Levels.
You are a business or executive coach who works hand-in-hand with leaders. You have completed a coach training program and have a proven track record of success. While you are clearly on the path to creating a six-figure-income business, you’re ready to catapult your practice to the next level.
Most coaches think they need to blog, track email lists, spend hours on social media, write a best-selling book, become an internationally recognized speaker, create and give away endless free content—everything but do what they say they do—coach!
While getting your name out there is great, I have built a successful, thriving practice that grows year-after-year. I follow The Prosperous Coach process, which is based on the foundation of deep and profound service and creating clients by invitation and referral only.
Does this sound like you?
You are ready to:
- Create a more prosperous practice
- Confidently create clients and deliver your services
- Understand the best practices of being a successful entrepreneur
- Create simplicity in your career and life
- Lead with grace and ease
You have:
- A learning mindset
- Willingness to take calculated risks
- Patience
- Laser-like focus
You are:
- Fearless
- Intuitive
- A high achiever
- Committed to being a prosperous coach
One Key Success Story.
I worked with one executive coach who had been coaching for three years yet was struggling to make the kind of money he was looking for. After going through one of my two-day Accelerators™ with me, he finally broke six figures—and did it in record time. He went on to become my apprentice and had his best year ever with a 4X return on his investment.
The coaching profession has a low bar to entry and a high bar to success. There is no playbook. There are no rules. In fact, there are many nuances on the path to becoming a successful coach that eludes most coaches.
I will bring fearlessness into our coaching sessions and a willingness to boldly say what I see. I will use my intuition to keenly guide the questions that evoke your own inner wisdom. As my apprentice, I will advise you. I will teach you the ins and outs of what I have learned over my years of experience—distinctions that come from other world-class coaches and from being in the trenches myself.

What a gift it was to be coached by Karen Davis. Intuitive, direct and practical, she has a knack for taking the invisible and making it visible. Karen helped me gain insight into something that was holding me back from my next level of performance. …It’s rare to be coached by someone who listens so powerfully and in such a way that allows you access to your own wisdom. This is not “paint by numbers” coaching, but truly unique and tailored for each client. Don’t call Karen unless you want your world to shift.
—Kevin Waldron, Waldron Consulting Group
A Better Business and A Better Life Starts With a Single Step.
I’d be delighted to have a conversation with you about how coaching can put you and/or your organization in the driver’s seat! Please fill in your details below so we can have a conversation.