Musings on Coaching and Leadership.

Informative Articles I Hope Will Inspire You.

The Art of Intuition

The Art of Intuition

“It seems like it only takes you 46 seconds to get to the heart of the matter,” my client said to me. We enjoyed a good laugh and I knew the speed was the result of my keen awareness and ability to attune to my client. Time stands still when we are connecting and...

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True Power Comes From Within

True Power Comes From Within

It feels as if I’ve spent an entire lifetime learning about power. I excelled early in my career to positions of leadership. I was very successful at managing teams, creating long-standing relationships and even hitting revenue targets that others deemed impossible. I...

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Integrity – It Starts With “I”

Integrity – It Starts With “I”

I was in conversation with a new coaching client the other day. We were committing to our spoken agreements between one another. When we landed upon the topic of integrity, it sparked a conversation between the two of us. He brought to light his opinion that many...

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